Disse Adams Solist Xylofoner skal det være mulig å skaffe fra leverandøren.
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Solist Article number Description
2XFS2LRV35 Solist Xylophone XS2LV35, 3,5 oct. F4-C8, Pau Rosa, 38,5 mm, octave tuned
2XFS2LRV40 Solist Xylophone XS2LV40, 4 oct. C4-C8, Pau Rosa, 43-38,5 mm, octave tuned
2XFS1HRV35 Solist Xylophone XS1HV35, 3,5 oct. F4-C8, Honduras rosewood 38,5 mm, quint tuned
2XFS1HRV40 Solist Xylophone XS1HV40, 4 oct. C4-C8, Honduras rosewood 43-38,5 mm, quint tuned
2XFS2HRV35 Solist Xylophone XS2HV35, 3,5 oct. F4-C8, Honduras rosewood 38,5 mm, octave tuned
2XFS2HRV40 Solist Xylophone XS2HV40, 4 oct. C4-C8, Honduras rosewood 43-38,5 mm, octave tuned
2XFS1KKV35 Solist Xylophone XS1KV35, 3,5 oct. F4-C8, synthetic 38,5 mm, quint tuned
2XFS2KKV35 Solist Xylophone XS2KV35, 3,5 oct. F4-C8, synthetic 38,5 mm, octave tuned
2XFS2KKV40 Solist Xylophone XS2KV40, 4 oct. C4-C8, synthetic 43-38,5 mm, octave tuned
Adams Xylophone naturals and accidentals same height 2XFS2LRV35VL Solist XS2LV35, 3,5 Oct. F4-C8, Pau Rosa, octave tuned
2XFS2LRV40VL Solist XS2LV40, 4 Oct. C4-C8, Pau Rosa, octave tuned
2XFS2HRV35VL Solist XS2HV35, 3,5 Oct. F4-C8, Honduras rosewood, octave tuned
2XFS2HRV40VL Solist XS2HV40, 4 Oct. C4-C8, Honduras rosewood, octave tuned
Adams Xylophones with Endurance Field Frame 2XFS1HRF35 Solist Xylophone XS1HF35, 3.5 oct. F4-C8, Honduras rosewood 38,5 mm, quint tuned
2XFS2KKF35 Solist Xylophone XS2KF35, 3.5 okt. F4-C8, synthetic 38,5 mm, octave tuned
2XFS1KKF35 Solist Xylophone XS1KF35, 3.5 okt. F4-C8, synthetic 38,5 mm, quint tuned
Adams Soloist Xylophones are available in either 3.5 octave or 4 octave, both available with a Honduras Rosewood, Pau Rosa or Zelon keyboard. Soloist Series instruments feature vinyl wrapped rails and powder coated resonators for durability. Resonators feature welded construction, and are suspended from the frame on rubber isolation mounts, eliminating the possibility of any mechanical noise or vibration. Soft Bag sets and flight cases are available for Voyager Frame Soloist Xylophones for protection during transport.
- Graduated Honduras Rosewood, Pau Rosa and Zelon bars
- Available in Quint (no Pau Rosa) and Octave Tuning
- Alpha Tuning method
- Octave range: 3.5 (F4-C8) and 4.0 (C4-C8)
- Available with Voyager frame (standard) and Endurance Field Frame
- Includes drop cover and 1 pair of XB6 mallets
Adams Solist Xylofon. Bestillingsvare.
- Varenummer: Adams solist Xylofon
- Tilgjengelighet: Ikke på lager
- Ekskl. mva: Kr0,00
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